Achieve better business outcomes by connecting devices via the internet of things and utilizing real-time device data.

Use the power of IoT and edge (enhanced data for global evolution)
to achieve your business outcomes.

Connect disparate systems.

Make permanent business improvements and transform operations quickly by seamlessly connecting all your devices and mining application data. The View360 Platform, with its flexible engine, allows your enterprise to integrate and orchestrate services and manage workflows on-premises, in the cloud, or at the edge.

Integrate your device data into core
business systems.


View360 allows you to rapidly connect cloud and on-premises applications with device data for a wide range of IoT protocols, helping unify the network with your hybrid IT environment.


View360 seamlessly supports connecting IoT data with enterprise applications and systems. Our distribution technology simplifies connecting and managing device data residing on-premises, in the cloud, or at the edge.


View360 creates a seamless orchestration of device and application data easy so that your business can automate business processes, deliver the data to people, and generate actionable intelligence quickly.